Author Interview: Jane V. Blanchard


Jane V. Blanchard is the author of the Woman on Her Way series. Since her retirement in 2011, she has visited sixteen countries by foot and by bicycle and written two books about her wanderings. Now 65 years old, she plans more backpacking trips and books.

Medium-Web HeadshotWhich was the first ever long journey you ever took & how was that journey special for you?

After graduating from college with a degree in modern languages, I went to Spain with the hopes of getting a job and becoming fluent in Spanish. Looking back, it is hard to believe how naive I was. I had no job prospect, a literary vocabulary, very little money (about $150), and a plane ticket home should things not work out. Determined to make my way, I started applying for work. Within two days, I was working for a travel agency, greeting Americans at the airport and…

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