The Three Day Quote Challenge:

The Three Day Quote Challenge:

My thanks go to the wonderful Sally Cronin, blogger and writer extraordinaire,  who tagged me in this challenging (for me anyway!) challenge:

Sally G Cronin

Sally’s  blog is
And for more information on her books listed here at Amazon please visit

Okay, the deal is, you share your favourite quote (even if written by you) and also inspire people.
The Rules:

As always these challenges come with a few provisos and here they are.

Thank the person who nominated you. Share your favourite quotes (even if written by you)  that inspire you and could inspire other people   Pass it on by tagging some poor unsuspecting person  that you admire (bearing in mind you’ll want them to be your friend afterwards. Hah!)  Do we have to post three quotes, or one quote every day for three days? Not sure but mine are all here today…

My Quotes:

“Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.”

— John Steinbeck

download (7)

“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.’

— Toni Morrison

download (8)

And finally: – a list of quotes – just to prove I know who I am, where I belong – and that I’m always right.


Now I’m tagging the following three lovely ladies – only if they fancy doing this – no pressure – really!!:
Thorne Moore: Author of the brilliant Honno novels: Time for Silence: and Motherlove: Also available at

Alex Martin:  Author of  the excellent Katherine Wheel Books:  Daffodils  and Peace Lilt:

 Sharon Tregenza: Author of the superb children’s’ middle grade books: Shiver Stone, – also available at – author of Tarrantula Tide:

And if too busy to accept the challenge, ladies here’s something else for you to take as a thank you. Have a drink on me


11 thoughts on “The Three Day Quote Challenge:

  1. I tell people often: “I’ll cross that bridge when it burns behind me.”
    When someone asks if I’m crazy during an argument, I’ll say, “If, as you say, I’m crazy, it doesn’t make me wrong.”
    And then there are the people who insist they knew exactly where the line is between sanity and insanity: “If you were born on Earth and you’re over 5, you’re insane.”

    That’s an interesting challenge. So many challenges, so little time. 🙂


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