Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Spiritual Awareness – Signs, Synchronicity, and Energy by D.G. Kaye

A thoughtful post from D.G. Kaye. With thanks to Debby and Sally. xx

Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

Explore the spiritual side of our natures as D.G. Kaye shares her experiences and research into this element of our lives.

You can find part sixteen of the series: Soul Mates and Life Partners

Signs, Synchronicity, and Energy

Welcome back to my Spiritual Awareness series. Today I’m going to talk about energies, and the signs we receive from lost loved ones.

We’ve all heard about the signs we’re always looking for – asking for ‘a sign’ to give us some sort of confirmation when having doubts about whether or not we should do something. We sometimes seek that validation as some kind of a spiritual confirmation to validate that we are on the right track or making a right decision. And then, there are tangible signs that lost loved ones leave for us.

The common items said to be signs left around for us can be anything from…

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