I Believe: A Fulfilment of Promises



A Healed, Sealed Vessel

In my thirty-second year, I embarked upon a great journey to explore the physical evidences of timeless Truths. My travels through Israel, Jordan, and Egypt were like a journey through pages of great literature for they yielded revelations comparable only to the most excellent production of a reader’s vivid imagination.

Though I believe such excursions are secretly hoped for in the recesses of every young man’s heart, they were more than just the fulfillment of some yearning or sublime amusement for me and two of my closest friends.

The ruins of a deserted, ancient city somewhere outside Jerusalem, Israel was one of the first sites to which our archeologist tour guide and Christian brother, Tony, escorted us. Millennia had passed since the city’s astonishing drama played out upon the world’s stage yet it seemed to be awaiting our arrival as if our presence was a necessary prerequisite to its final exit from that stage. Unsure of what to…

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