Stevie interviews author, promoter and publisher Susan Toy

Stevie Turner

Susan Toy photo

I am pleased to be able to share another of my 20 question interviews, this time with author, promoter and publisher Susan Toy.  Susan, apart from writing novels and publishing them through imprints IslandCatEditions and IslandShorts, also goes out of her way to promote self-published authors and their works on her ”Reading Recommendations’ blog.  This time it’s Susan who is being promoted, so sit back with a cup of coffee and find out more about her……..

1.  I have been on holiday to the beautiful Beaches district of Toronto, where you were born. If you had to choose just one, would you prefer to live in The Beaches, in Calgary where you have also lived for many years, or in Bequia in the Caribbean where you have a house?

Our family cottage north of Toronto was also a very important “home” during my life. So, along with The Beach (we always referred to the area in the…

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