I’ve Decided To Go Wandering For A While… At Least In My Head #amwriting

So many things have happened over the last year (and some are still ongoing) that have stopped me from writing. So now I’m giving myself a break and I’m going a wandering. I need to finish/tidy-up/sort out the prequel to my trilogy


Its working title is Foreshadowing.


And it’s been languishing on the PC for far too long.


 I’ll be popping back every now and then to post one of the eight reviews of books that have toppled off my TBR pile- and that, I am ashamed to say, have been neglected.


I’d like to say thank you to everyone who has been such a support over the last few months – friends both in the ‘real’ world and friends who I might never meet but who I appreciate.So, before I get too maudlin… cheerio for now.


As someone once said…”I’ll be back.”

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Changing Patterns for Twitter.jpg

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36 thoughts on “I’ve Decided To Go Wandering For A While… At Least In My Head #amwriting

  1. Sometimes you do need to give yourself TIME to write…. I was only thinking this morning, once the new one is out and I’ve done all the first bits of promo stuff, I’m going to make Thursday and Saturday no-social-media days. Possibly no-email days, too. Because I have started writing a series, I need to take my own advice about having the second ready to go before starting the first (it’s the post apocalyptic one, and they’ll be short novels – event orientated, so I think it’s important not to have to wait for the 2nd installment), so I need to get properly stuck in, rather than spending 2 hours a day emailing and blogging and tweeting, etc, before I open the document!

    Good luck with getting it back off the ground 🙂 xx


    • Thanks, Terry. I have just let things slide – missed my publishing date this summer and was cross with myself but things happen and eat into writing time. I actually have two books on the go so,. if I can get this one off to the publisher I’ll aim at the other going before Christmas. Also let reviews slide as well. Looking forward to reading your new book sometime, though. Jx


  2. Lovely to see you at Tenby, Judith. Good luck with what you want to do. Having just come back from a blogging break, I can highly recommend it.
    Take care, and don’t forget that if you find yourself driving past Swansea then you’re always welcome to pop in for a proper catch-up.


  3. Hope you have a restful and productive break, Judith. I’m picturing you wandering along cliff paths, gathering inspiration for your prequel. 🙂


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